1. (atlikti kokį nors darbą) work; do, perform; (sunkiai) toil, labour; fag šnek.; kas nedirba, tas nevalgo he who does not work, neither shall he eat ; įtemptai d. work hard; work tooth and nail idiom.; d. savo darbą do/perform one's work; d. fabrike work at a factory; d. su knyga work at the book; d. su traktoriumi work on a tractor, be a tractor driver; d. dviem (trimis) pamainomis work in two (three) shifts;2. (gaminti) make, manufacture, produce; 3. (žemę) till; cultivate; 4. (odą) dress, curry; 5. (gadinti) spoil; (teršti) dirty, make dirty; 6. (plūsti) scold, abuse