įv. 1. (klausiamasis - apie asmenį) who; (apie daiktą) what; kas ten kalba? who is speaking there?; ką jūs skaitote? what are you reading?; ko tu nori? what do you want?;2. (santykinis) who; nebuvo kas jam padėtų there was nobody to help him; kas nedirba, tas nevalgo he who does not work, neither shall he eat ;3. (nežymimasis) some; kas rašė, kas skaitė some were writing and some were reading;4. (klausiant) anybody (apie asmenį); anything (apie daiktą); ar yra kas viduje? is anybody (anything) in?; kas nors (apie asmenį) somebody, someone; (klausiant) anybody, anyone; (apie daiktą) something; (klausiant) anything;5. tai kas kita that is quite a different matter; ką tik just, just now; kas per naktis! what a night!; kas rytą every morning; kas yra? what is the matter?; kas tau yra? what is the matter with you?; kas bebūtų whatever may be; kas bus, tas bus what will be will be; kas ne kas (apie asmenį) somebody; some people ; (apie daiktą) something