1. (įv. reikš.) rise; temperatūra kyla the temperature rises; kainos kyla prices go up; kyla rūkas a mist is rising; vandens lygis kyla the water-level is rising ;2. (prasidėti, rastis) arise, spring up; (staiga) crop up; jam kilo mintis it has occurred to him; kilo klausimas the question arose ; kilo ginčas there was a quarrel; kyla nauji miestai new towns are springing up arba coming into being;3. (gimti, gauti kilmę) be descended (from), descend (from), come (of); 4. (apie paukštį) fly up, take wing, flush; (apie lėktuvą) take off; 5. (tarnyboje) be promoted, advance, get promotion