1. appear, make one's appearance, show oneself ; (paviršiuje) emerge; (apie laivą horizonte) heave in sight; pasirodyti iš už kalno appear from behind the mountain; pasirodyti kaip tik laiku appear, arba show up, in the nick of time; put in a timely appearance; pasirodyti spaudoje appear in print, come out; pagaliau pasirodė krantas the shore came in sight at last; jis bijo pasirodyti tau akyse he is afraid to show himself to you; ašaros pasirodė akyse the tears came/started to one's eyes ;2. (paaiškėti) prove (to be) , turn out to be; jis pasirodė esąs labai malonus žmogus he turned out to be a very nice man; kaip pasirodė as it/things turned out;3. appear, perform; pasirodyti scenoje appear on the stage; act;po to pasirodė Jusas the next performer was Jusas; 4. (pasivaidenti, pasimatyti) seem (to), appear (to); tau tik taip pasirodė it was only your imagination; man pasirodė I seemed to see/hear