įv. 1. (verčiamas atitinkamu asmeniu, skaičiumi ir gimine): 1. sg myself; pl ourselves; 2. sg yourself; pl yourselves; 3. sg v. himself, m. herself, b. itself; pl themselves; jūs p. tai žinote you know that yourself; pačiame darbo procese in the process of work itself; ji pati kalta it's her own fault; 2. (kaip tik) the very; right; p. faktas the very fact; pačiame gale at the very end; pačiu laiku at the right time, in the nick of time; iki pačių namų right home, all the way home; iki paties vakaro until night; p. ilgiausias the longest; 3. (su parodom. įv.): tas p. the same; toje pačioje vietoje, kur... in the same place where...; tuo pačiu laiku, kada... just when...; 4. šnek. (tu, tamsta) you; p. savaime by oneself; 5. šnek. man, husband