anglų-lietuvių  lietuvių-anglų

vykti angliškai



1. (eiti, leistis į kelionę) go; make (for); make one's way (to, towards, into); wend one's way (to) poez.; set off; 2. (sektis) be a success, work well; 3. (būti daromam, eiti veiksmui) happen, occur; take place; be going on, go on; be accomplished/performed; (apie nusikaltimą) be committed/perpetrated; kas čia vyksta? what is going on here?; ten vyksta keisti dalykai there are queer goings-on there; veiksmas vyksta Vilniuje ir pan. the scene is laid in Vilnius, etc., the action takes place in Vilnius, etc.